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Chloe has a release date? What?!

Okay, everyone, I want you all to know that Chloe is one chapter away from being done! However…that doesn’t mean it’s going to release at the end of March like I had hoped. Now let me explain why. My Mother is doing a lot better, so thank you to anyone and everyone who gave her their best wishes. I have been trying to move to a new house! So because of my Mother’s health I am trying to move us to an area with better healthcare. I have been house hunting, which is just awful since it is in a different city and we are sick of making that trek everyday. Thankfully, I think I finally found the house but the bad news is it won’t be ready till July. But my Mother and I both love it so that is a small price to pay and it should definitely be worth the wait. Also, Chloe has not been edited yet so that will take a bit and my Mother hasn’t read it yet which is strange since she reads it after I finish each chapter. So my Mother has to read it before I hit publish otherwise it would just be wrong. However, there is light at the end of this tunnel because I have a release date! Everyone can expect Chloe to come out by April 30th FOR SURE! But! This is a long estimate! If it gets done any earlier such as a week I will put it out right when it is finished! This will give me enough time to get it edited, find a cover, and make sure it flows well into the next book as you all know this book will end on a cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol… Don’t kill me, BYE. XOXO, Sarah Brianne P.S I love you all very much and appreciate everyone giving me the time I needed with my mom <3

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